1767 .S33 P76 1890

iton't Lead!


Inc, New York

CHICAGO i. Wabash Avenue

Printed In XJ. 8. A.





How To Do It



One of Boston's Leading Prompter*




Carl Fischer, Inc*, New York


380-382 Boylston Street 430-432 So. Wabash Avenue

Cofyriset, 1890. by Jean White, Boston

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This little work, while it covers all the known modern square dances, is designed solely for the purpose of assisting those desirous of making prompting a business ; hence the uninitiated will not find a few suggestions out of place.


Be a gentleman always ; many questions will be asked,

and many minds to please. Answer each in a pleasant

manner in every instance.

Authority. Should any complain of the tempo adapted by the orchestra, too slow, too fast, inform such that you are playing according to the instructions of the floor manager- to whom you pleasantly refer them, adding that you will willingly change it if it is his wishes.

Complaints. Complaints of any character regarding the orchestra, etc., should be treated in a similar manner. The floor director is the sole authority, or his substitute in his absence.

In the case of a new party, or no instructions regard- ing tempo, watch the effect of the music, and change if it seems too fast or too slow.

Commencing. At a signal from the floor director the cornet should sound the call for forming sets. At another signal from him commence the dance.

Square Dances. Prompting is used only with square dances, quadrilles, Lancers, etc.

Quadrilles, Lancers, etc., are made up of numbers, and a combination of figures are given to each number, the whole forming one set.


Figures. A single figure requires eight bars of music; Ladies' chain, first four right and left, promenade, etc., are all single figures. Two Calls. Figures requiring two calls, such as half right and left, etc., give the first call on the eighth bar, the last on the fourth.

Invariably finish calling before the strain begins, otherwise the dancers will be behind, which detracts from their pleasure and the general effect. Ladies' Grand Chain. The correct amount of music for this figure is eight bars, but by some sixteen mea- sures are used ; hence the prompter must be on the alert, and make the calls accordingly. Usually, before the first quadrille is completed, the prompter can tell if the party dance in correct time.

Call thus, when four are used : Balance partners (corners), (4); turn partners (corners), (4). Grand Right and Left. It is well to make this call'

Right hand to partner, grand right and left. All Promenade Around the Hall is the last call for all square dances. Substitute "to seats" when not in a hall. Head of Hall. Usually the head of the hall is at the end where the orchestra is seated. If the orchestra be placed on one side, the floor director will announce the head of the hall. The Voice. Do not strain the voice under any circum- stances; the effect is injurious, and will soon render it useless. A few lessons in elocution, for the purpose of learning to throw out the voice, as in singing, will prove money wrell invested.

Tones through the nose or down in the throat are thick and not easily understood. The more natural the tone, simply adding power, the better the effect. Use sufficient force to be heard by those farthest off. It is not the prompter who makes the most "noise" who is always the easiest understood.

Use extra care on the first quadrille ; as a rule, it is the hardest to call, and is a temptation to strain.

At intermission or supper, milk, tea, or water are better for the voice than coffee.


THE CALLS EXPLAINED. A step occupies the time of a beat

Address. Salut or bow.

All Hands Round. (8 bars.) All join hands, forming a circle, and galop entirely round to'1 place.

All Promenade. (8.) Partners cross hands, right hands uppermost. All glide to right, to places.

Balance. .(4 bars.) A graceful movement of the body and feet in time with the music ; right foot glides to the right, left foot brought in front of right; repeat with the left foot; then the whole again.

Basket. (5th number.) Ladies join hands in centre, gents to centre, join hands outside of ladies. Ladies courtesy, gents' hands over ladies' heads; balance and turn partners to place. (2) Ladies to centre, gents to centre, all cross hands ; all balance and turn partners to place. (3) Ladies to* centre, join hands all round, gents to centre, join hands outside and galop round to place; turn partners. (4) All join hands to centre and back; galop all round left to places ; turn partners.

Balance Corners. (4.) Gents face ladies on their left; advance three steps to the right, stop ; three to the left ; stop ; turns the lady with both hands and returns to place.

Balance Partners. (4 bars.) As above, gents facing partners, etc.

Chasse. (4.) A glide to one side at each count, either foot first, the other brought up to it, and repeated as many times as desired.

Chasse Partners. (4). Partners face, pass to the right, with three steps forward; back, and turn with both hands.

Chasse Across. (8.) Called when set is formed in columns. Ladies make four steps to left and in front of partners; gents to the right, four steps. All for- ward one step ; back one step ; return to place in same wav.

Cross Right Hands. (8.) Two couples required. Opposites join hands across and at right angles. All four step to> left, stop ; drop right hands, turn and cross left hands ; all four step to right ; back to place.


Double Quadrille. (Lancers.) Contains eight couples, two on each side.

First Four. The four forming the first and second couples.

First Four Lead to Right. The first and second couples cross to third and fourth couples, facing them.

First Two. Lady of first couple and gent of second couple.

First Lady. (Gent) ; lady (and gent) of first couple.

Forward and Stop. (4) . Three steps forward, and wait for next order.

Forward and Back. (4.) Three steps forward, stop; then three backward and stop.

Forward, and Ladies to the Centre. (4.) Partners join hands, advance four steps ; four steps back to places ; again four steps to centre ; gents turn partners half i*ound and retire to place, leaving ladies in the centre.

Four, Six, and Eight Hands Round. (4.) Four, six, and eight join hands and galop once around to place [six and eight hands (8)].

Forward and Address. (4.) Couple (couples, lady or gent) face and salute ; done at a ritard or hold in the music.

Grand Chain. (16 bars.)

Grand Right and Left all Round. Partners face and join right hands ; gents go to the right of partners in passing, dropping her hand, joins left hand with next lady ; passes on her left, right hand to next lady ; left to next ; salute partners (half round) ; continue to place.

Grand Right and Left Half Round. (8 bars.) Half grand chain. As above, but stopping at the salute. "Back again" may be now called. Gents, instead of saluting partners, join right hands and turn half round, and then left and right to places.

Half Promenade. (4.) Gents cross hands with part- ners, right hands uppermost ; cross over, passing to the right of opposite advancing couples, taking their places.

Half Promenade all. (4.) Partners cross, hands upper- most ; couples pass to the right to opposite places and stop.

Half Right and Left. (4.) By two opposite couples Couples cross over, gents touch right hands with oppo-


site lady, in passing joins left hand with partner; both turn half round into place of the opposite couple.

Head Couples. First and seconcl couples.

Ladies' Half Chain. (4.) Danced by opposite couples at same time ; opposite ladies cross, giving right hand in passing ; ladies join left hands with opposite gent, and turn half round, which leaves the ladies standing to the right of the opposite gents.

Ladies to the Right. (4 bars.) Four steps to right; dances four steps in front of gent; turns him once round and remains in his partner's place.

Ladies' Chain. (8. ) Danced by opposite couples at same time. Opposite ladies cross, give right hand, in passing', join left hand with opposite gent, and turn half round. Repeat, swinging partners with left hand to place.

Ladies' Grand Chain. (8 or 16.) By all four ladies. Four ladies cross right hands in centre ; half turn ; drop right hands and join left with opposite gents ; turn half round in place. Repeat the whole to place. (Eight bars is proper.)

Next Couple. Count from the head couple to the right, third, second, fourth.

Promenade, Four. (8.) Gents cross right hands with partners ; couples cross over, passing to the right of advancing couples, taking their places. Return to place in like manner.

Right and Left. (8.) By two opposite couples; two couples cross over, gents touch right hands with opposite lady in passing ; join left hand with partner ; both turn half round in opposite couple's places ; same is repeated to original place.

Sides. The third and fourth couples. (See diagram.)

The Other Way. The opposite of the usual way. From right to left, instead of left to right.

Turn Corners. (4 or 8.) Gents four steps to left-hand lady ; swing half round ; right hands joined ; gents four steps to partner; swing with left hands to place.

Turn Partners. (4 or 8.) Gents take partners with both hands and turn once round to the left.

Learning. Commit to memory one set of figures of a quadrille, for example, and call aloud and with the music


until perfectly learned and the calls exactly in time; then take up the next.

The first attempts are nervous times at the best, so that all calls should be perfectly committed in the order they are to come, leaving- nothing to memorandums or books before entering the hall.

Practice with the music until the calls are thoroughly mastered on time, and distinct.

Planning, New. In making up new figures or combi- nations, count the strains of music, and adapt the calls to the strains ; four strains, of eight measures each ; two eight-measure strains, and one-eight-measure strain repeated; two repeated eight-measure strains or two sixteen-measure strains will admit four single figures.

ANNOUNCEMENTS. To many this part of a prompter's duties is the most

difficult, particularly to those who have not a faculty for

impromptu announcements.

Under all circumstances a few well-chosen words, to

the point, are the best and all that is necessary. Long- winded speeches are out of place.

When sets are formed and ready for the dance is the

best time, unless required at once ; and for those to' whom

it is difficult we append a few forms which will be found

to cover the usual happenings, and can be modified to suit

the circumstances :

A Pan Lost. The Management wish me to announce that a lady' s fan has been lost ; any one finding it will confer a favor by leaving it at the platform, or with the floor director.

(A pin, a shawl, or any article can be substituted for "fan.")

Scarf Pin Found. A gentleman's scarf pin has been found, which the owner can have, by calling at the plat- form.

Changing the Order. The floor director requests me

to announce that the next dance, number on the

order, will be a instead of a .

Omission. Owing to the lateness of the hour, No. on the order will be omitted.


Extra. The next dance will be the {first, second, etc.)

extra. It will be a {name). Last Car. The Management request me to announce

that the last car will leave for {town) at {hour). Supper Tickets. I have been requested to announce

that the supper tickets can be had of , in the -,

at {price) each. Continued. The Management have decided to continue

the dance until {hour). Supper. At the conclusion of the next dance the gentle- men will please escort the ladies to the supper-room

{banquet hall). Next Party. The next party, the Management wish me

to announce, will be held here on evening {date),

same hour.


Balls are generally opened with a Grand March, which is led by the floor director and aids, followed by the rest of the company. As a rule, after the Grand March the Sicilian Circle is formed, thus :



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Note - L- lady; G— gent.



The Sicilian Circle is formed in couples facing in a circle around the hall. The first call is given before playing.

Four hands round (4) ; turn partners (4) ; right and left (8) ; ladies' chain (8) ; all forward (4) ; pass by (4).

Repeat these calls ten or twelve times, according to the number in the party, then call :

All balance partners (4) ; turn partners (4) ; promenade round the hall (8) .


Quadrilles, Lancers, and all square dances are formed with four couples in each set, the lady on the right of the gent, thus :

(head of hall.)

First couple.

1 2


Third couple. Fourth couple.

9 T


Second couple.

In changes which commence with first couple, as Jirst couple lead to the right, etc., etc., the next couple is the one on the right, or the third couple, etc.

The lady and gent marked 1 are the first two in Jirst two forward, the next two forward are marked 2, the next two are marked 3, and the last two are marked 4,




The orchestra plays the first 8 bars of each number before calling, unless otherwise stated.

In the following quadrilles, when but four numbers are used, as is commonly done, the calls for Nos. 3 and 4 can be substituted each for the other, according as the prompter wishes.

Figures in brackets signify the number of bars required.

During first 8 bars of No. 1, the time is used in addressing.

No. I. Wait 8 bars. First four right and left (8); promenade (8) ; ladies' chain (8) ; promenade (8).

Sides right and left (8) ; promenade (8) ; ladies' chain (8) ; promenade (8).

All balance corners (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all prome- nade (8).

No. 2. Wait 8 bars. First two forward (4) ; turn in the centre (4) ; six hands round (8) ; all balance corners (4) ; turn partners (4).

Next two forward (4) ; turn in the centre (4) ; six hands round (8) ; all balance corners (4) ; turn partners (4).

Next two forward (4) ; turn in the centre (4) ; six hands round (8) ; all balance corners (4) ; turn partners (4).

Last two forward (4) ; turn in the centre (4) ; six hands round (8) ; all promenade (8).

No. 3. Wait 8 bars. First four lead to the right (4) ; chasse* out and form a line (4) ; right and left (8) ; ladies' chain (8) ; all forward (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all prome- nade (8).

Sides lead to the right (4) ; chasse out and form a line (4) ; right and left (8) ; ladies' chain (8) ; all forward (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

No. 4. Wait 8 bars. First two forward (4) ; swing between the side couples (4) ; forward and back, six (4) ;


the same two cross over (4) ; outside two turn in the cen- tre, six hands round (8) ; all turn partners (8).

Next two forward (4) ; swing between the side couples (4) ; forward and back, six (4) ; the same two* cross over (4) ; outside two turn in the centre,, six hands round (8) ; all turn corners (8).

Next two forward (4) ; swing between the head cou- ples (4) ; forward and back, six (4) ; the same two cross over (4) ; outside two turn in the centre, six hands round (8) ; all turn partners (8).

Last two forward (4) ; swing between the head couples (4) ; forward and back, six (4) ; the same two cross over (4) ; outside two turn in the centre, six hands round (8) ; all promenade (8).

No. 5. Wait 8 bars. All join hands, forward and back (4) ; turn partners (4) ; grand right and left (16).

Four ladies cross, right hand half round (4) ; left hand back, and join partner (4) ; all balance (4) ; turn part- ners (4) ; grand right and left (16).

Four gents cross, right hand half round (4) ; left hand back and join partner (4) ; all balance (4) ; turn partners (4) ; grand right and left (16).

All join hands, forward and back (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade round the hall (8).



No. i. Wait 8 bars. Sides right and left (8) ; prom- enade (8) ; ladies' chain (8) ; promenade (8).

First four right and left (8) ; promenade (8) ; ladies' chain (8) ; promenade (8).

All join hands, forward (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

No. 2. Wait 8 bars. First four forward (4) ; four hands around (4) ; all balance corners (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

Sides forward (4) ; four hands round (4) ; all balance corners (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

No. 3. Wait 8 bars. First four lead to the right (4) ;


chasse out and form a line (4) ; ladies' chain in line (4) ; ladies' chain across (4) ; ladies' chain in line (4) : ladies' chain across (4) ; ail forward (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

vSides lead to the right (4) ; chasse out and form a line (4) ; ladies' chain in line (4) ; ladies' chain across (4) ; ladies' chain in line (4) ; ladies' chain across (4) ; all for- ward (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

No. 4. Wait 8 bars. First couple lead to the right (4) ; four hands round (4) ; right and left with the next couple (8) ; ladies' chain with the next couple (8) ; all join hands, forward and back (4) ; turn partners (4).

Next couple lead to the right (4) : four hands round (4) ; right and left with the next couple (8) ; ladies' chain with the next couple (8) ; all join hands, forward and back (4) ; turn partners (4).

Next couple lead to the right (4) ; four hands round (4) ; right and left with the next couple (8) ; ladies' chain with the next couple (8) ; all join hands forward and back (4) ; turn partners (4).

Last couple lead to the right (4) ; four hands round (4) ; right and left with the next couple (8) ; ladies' chain with the next couple (8) ; all join hands, forward and back (4) ; turn partners (4).

No. 5. Wait 8 bars. First lady balance gent on the right (4) ; turn the next gent (4) ; balance the next gent (4) ; turn partner in the centre, six hands round (8) ; all turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

Next lady balance gent on the right (4) ; turn the next gent (4) ; balance the next gent (4) ; turn partner in the centre, six hands round (8) ; all turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

Next lady balance gent on the right (4) ; turn the next gent (4) ; balance the next gent (4) ; turn partner in the centre, six hands round (8) ; all turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

Last lady balance gent on the right (4) ; turn the next gent (4) ; balance the next gent (4) ; turn partner in the centre, six hands round (8) ; grand right and left half round (8) ; all promenade round the hall (8).




No. I. Wait 8 bars. First four right and left (8) ; promenade (8) ; ladies' chain (8) ; promenade (8).

Sides right and left (8) ; promenade (8) ; ladies' chain (8) ; promenade (8).

All join hands, forward and back (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

No. 2. Wait 8 bars. First four forward and back (4) ; ladies turn in the centre (4) ; six hands round (8) ; all balance corners (4) ; turn partners (4).

Sides forward and back (4) ; ladies turn in the centre (4) ; six hands round (8) ; all balance corners (4) ; turn partners (4).

First four forward and back (4) ; gents turn in the cen- tre (4) ; six hands round (8) ; all balance corners (4) ; turn partners (4).

Sides forward and back (4) ; gents turn in the centre (4) ; six hands round (8) ; all balance corners (4) ; turn partners (4).

No. 3. Wait 8 bars. First four lead to the right (4) ; four hands round (4) ; right and left (8) ; ladies' chain (8) ; all forward (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all prome- nade (8).

Sides lead to the right (4) ; four hands round (4) ; right and left (8) ; ladies' chain (8) ; all forward (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

No. 4. Wait 8 bars. First two forward (4) ; swing between side couples (4) ; three hands round (4) ; for- ward and back, six (4) ; same two cross over (4) ; three hands round (4) ; outside two in centre, six hands round (8).

Next two forward (4) ; swing between side couples (4) ; three hands round (4) ; forward and back six (4) ; same two cross over (4) ; three hands round (4) ; outside two in centre, six hands round (8).

Next two forward (4) ; swing between first four (4) ; three hands round (4) ; forward and back six (4) ; same


two cross over (4) ; three hands round (4) ; outside two in centre, six hands round (8).

Last two forward (4) ; swing between first four (4) ; three hands round (4) ; forward and back six (4) ; same two cross over (4) ; three hands round (4) ; outside two in centre, six hands round (8).

No. 5. Wait 8 bars. First couple lead to the right (4) ; four hands round (4) ; four lead to the next couple, six hands round (8) ; six lead to the next couple, eight hands round (8) ; all turn partners (8).

Next couple load to the right (4) ; four hands round (4) ; six hands round (8) ; eight hands round the other way (8) ; all turn corners (8).

Next couple lead to the right (4) ; four hands round (4) ; six hands round (8) ; eight hands round to the right (8) ; all turn partners (8).

Last couple lead to the right (4) ; four hands round (4) ; six hands round (8) ; eight hands round to the left (8) ; grand right and left half round (8) ; all promenade round the hall (8).



No. i. Wait 8 bars. First four right and left (8) ; promenade (8) ; sides right and left (8) ; promenade (8).

Eight hands round (8) ; all turn partners (8) ; four ladies' grand chain (8) ; all promenade (8).

All balance corners (4) ; turn partners (4) ; eight hands round (8).

No. 2. Wait 8 bars. First two forward (4) ; ladies cross over (4) ; chasse (4) ; cross back (4) ; all join hands, forward and back (4) ; turn partners (4).

Next two forward (4) ; ladies cross over (4) ; chasse (4) ; cross back (4) ; all join hands, forward and back (4) ; turn partners (4).

Next two forward (4) ; ladies cross over (4) ; chasse (4) ; cross back (4) ; all join hands, forward and back (4) ; turn partners (4).

Last two forward (4) ; ladies cross over (4) ; chasse


(4) ; cross back (4) ; all join hands, forward and back (4) ; turn partners (4).

No. 3. Wait 8 bars. First four lead to the right (4) ; four hands round (4) ; lead to the left (4) ; four hands round (4) ; right and left (8) ; ladies' chain (8) ; all for- ward (4) ; turn partners (4).

Sides lead to the right (4) ; four hands round (4) ; lead to the left (4) ; four hands round (4) ; right and left (8) ; ladies' chain (8) ; all forward (4) ; turn part- ners (4).

No. 4. Wait 8 bars. First couple forward and back (4) ; lady cross over (4) ; forward three, twice (4) ; gent forward, twice (4) ; four hands half round (4) ; right and left to place (4) ; all promenade (8).

Next couple forward and back (4) ; lady cross over (4) ; forward three, twice (4) ; gent forward, twice (4) ; four hands half round (4) ; right and left to place (4) ; all promenade (8).

Next coiuple forward and back (4) ; lady cross over (4) ; forward three, twice (4) ; gent forward, twice (4) ; four hands half round (4) ; right and left to place (4) ; all promenade (8).

Last couple forward and back (4) ; lady cross over (4) ; forward three, twice (4) ; gent forward, twice (4) ; four hands half round (4) ; right and left tx> place (4) ; all promenade (8).

No. 5. Wait 8 bars. All join hands, forward and back (4) ; every lady pass to the right (4) ; swing that gent (8) ; promenade with the same (8) ; eight hands round as you are (8).

All forward and back (4) ; ladies pass to the right (4) ; swing that gent (8) ; promenade with the same (8) ; eight hands round (8).

All forward and back (4) ; ladies pass to the right (4) ; swing that gent (8) ; promenade with the same (8) ; eight hands round (8).

All forward and back (4) ; ladies pass to the right (4) ; swing partners (8) ; all promenade (8).

Eight hands round (8) ; all promenade round the hall (8).




No. i. Wait 8 bars. Eight hands round (8) ; first four right and left (8) ; sides right and left (8) ; all bal- ance corners (4); turn partners (4).

Four ladies' grand chain (8) ; all promenade (8) ; four gents' grand chain (8) ; all promenade (8).

First four half right and left (4) ; sides half right and left (4) ; all balance (4) ; promenade to place (4).

No. 2. Wait 8 bars. First four forward (4) ; four hands round (4) ; ladies' chain (8) ; laill promenade (8).

Sides forward (4) ; four hands round (4) ; ladies' chain (8) ; all -promenade (8).

No 3. Wait 8 bars. First four lead to the right (4) ; chasse out and form a line (4) ; chasse across by couples (4) ; half right and left (4) ; chasse across by couples (4) ; half right and left (4) ; all forward (4) ; turn part- ners (4) ; all promenade (8).

Sides lead to* the right (4) ; chasse out and form a line (4) ; chasse across by couples (4) ; half right and left (4) ; chasse across by couples (4) ; half right and left (4) ; all forward (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

No. 4. Wait 8 bars. First couple lead to the right and balance (4) ; lead to next couple and balance (4) ; lead to next couple and balance (4) ; turn to place and face out (4) ; other couples fall in line and face partners (4) ; first lady turn any gent she chooses (4) ; all turn partners (8).

Next couple lead to the right and balance (4) ; lead to next couple and balance (4) ; lead to next couple and balance (4) ; turn to place and face out (4) ; other coup- les fall in line and face partners (4) ; first lady turn any gent (4) ; all turn partners (8).

Next couple lead to the right and balance (4) ; lead to next couple and balance (4) ; lead to next couple and balance (4) ; turn to place and face out (4) ; other coup- les fall in line and face partners (4) ; first lady turn any gent (4) ; all turn partners (8).

Last couple lead to right and balance (4) ; lead to next


couple and balance (4) ; lead to next couple and balance (4) ; turn to place and face out (4) ; other couples fall in line and face partners (4) ; first lady turn any gent (4) ; all turn partners (8).

No. 5. Vait 8 bars. First lady turn gent on the right with right hand (4) ; next gent with the left hand (4) ; next gent with the right hand (4) ; turn partner in cen- tre, six hands round (8) ; all turn partners (4) ; all prom- enade (8).

Next lady turn gent on the right with right hand (4) ; next gent with the left hand (4) ; next gent with the right hand (4) ; turn partner in the centre, six hands round (8) ; all turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

Next lady turn gent on the right with right hand (4) ; next gent with the left hand (4) ; next gent with the right hand (4) ; turn partner in the centre, six hands round (8) ; all turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

Last lady turn gent on the right with right hand (4) ; next gent with the left hand (4) ; next gent with the right hand (4) ; turn partner in the centre, six hands round (8) ; all turn partners (4).

All join hands forward and back (4) ; forward again and address (4) ; all promenade round the hall (8).



No. i. Wait 8 bars. First four right and left (8) ; promenade (8) ; ladies' chain (8) ; promenade (8).

Sides right and left (8) ; promenade (8) ; ladies' chain (8) ; promenade (8).

First four half right and left (4) ; sides half right and left (4) ; all balance (4) ; promenade to place (4).

No. 2. Wait 8 bars. First four forward and back (4) ; four hands half round (4) ; ladies' chain (8) ; for- ward four (4) ; right and left to place (4).

Sides forward and back (4) ; four hands half round (4) ; ladies' chain (8) ; forward four (4) ; right and left to place (4).

Four ladies' grand chain (8) ; all turn partners (8) ; all promenade (8).



No. 3. Wait 8 bars. First four forward and back (4) ; four hands round (4) ; right and left with the right- hand couple (8) ; ladies' chain with the left-hand couple (8) ; all forward (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

Sides forward and back (4) ; four hands round (4) ; right and left with the right-hand couple (8) ; ladies' chain with the left-hand couple (8) ; all forward (4) ; turn part- ners (4) ; all promenade (8).

No. 4. Wait 8 bars. Four ladies forward and back (4) ; four gents forward and back (4) ; four ladies' grand chain (8) ; all turn partners (8) ; all promenade (8).

Four gents forward and back (4) four ladies forward and back (4) ; four gents' grand chain (8) ; all turn partners (8) ; all promenade (8).

No. 5. Wait 8 bars. Eight hands round (8) ; grand right and left (16).

All join hands forward and back (4) ; four ladies forward to the centre (4) ; gents round on the outside (4) ; form a basket (4) ; all hands round (8) ; all turn partners (8).

All join hands forward and back (4) ; four gents forward to the centre (4) ; ladies round on the outside (4) ; form a basket (4) ; all hands round (8) ; all turn partners (8).

Grand right and left half round (8) ; all promenade round the hall (8).



No. I. Wait 8 bars. Eight hands round (8) ; all balance corners (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

Grand right and left (16) ; four ladies cross, right hand half round (4) ; left hand back and join partner (4) ; all balance (4) ; turn partners (4).

Four gents cross, right hand half round (4) ; left hand back and join partner (4) ; all balance (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

No. 2. Wait 8 bars. First couple balance, lady to right, gent to left (4) ; three hands round with side couples (4) ; opposite couple in centre, six hands round (8) ; all balance partners (4) ; turn partners (4).


Next couple balance, lady to right, gent to left (4) , three hands round with first four (4) ; opposite couple in centre, six hands round (8) ; all balance partners (4) turn partners (4).

Next couple balance, lady to right, gent to left (4) , three hands round with first four (4) ; opposite couple' in centre, six hands round (8) ; all balance partners (4) turn partners (4).

Last couple balance, lady to right, gent to left (4) , three hands round with first four (4) ; opposite couple in centre, six hands round (8) ; all balance partners (4) turn partners (4).

No. 3. Wait 8 bars. First four lead to the right (4) chasse out and form a line (4) ; chasse by couples (4) , ladies half chain (4) ; chasse by couples (4) ; half right and left (4) ; all forward (4) ; turn partners (4).

Sides lead to the right (4) ; chasse out (4) ; chasse by couples (4) ; ladies' half chain (4) ; chasse by couples (4) ; half right and left (4) ; all forward (4) ; turn partners (4).

Four ladies' grand chain (8) ; all turn partners (8).

No. 4. Wait 8 bars. First couple forward and back (4) ; first lady cross over (4) ; forward and back three (4) ; two ladies cross over (4) ; forward and back three (4) ; turn partners to place (4) ; all promenade (8).

Next couple forward and back (4) ; lady cross over (4) ; forward and back three (4) ; two ladies cross over (4) ; forward and back three (4) ; turn partners to place (4) ; all promenade (8).

Next couple forward and back (4) ; lady cross over (4) ; forward and back three (4) ; two ladies cross over (4) ; forward and back three (4) ; turn partners to place (4) ; all promenade (8).

Last couple forward and back (4) ; lady cross over (4) ; forward and back three (4) ; two ladies cross over (4) ; forward and back three (4) ; turn partners to place (4) ; all promenade (8).

No. 5. Wait 8 bars. All balance corners (4) ; turn partners (4) ; grand right and left (16).

Four ladies cross, right hand (4) ; four gents cross, right hand, at same time (4) ; promenade round as you are (8) ; cross left hand and promenade the other way (8) ; all turn partners (8).


Four ladies cross both hands (4) ; four gents cross both hands (4) ; all hands round (8) ; round the other way (8); all turn partners (8).

Four- ladies' grand chain (8); all turn corners (8); right hand to corners, grand right and left (16).

All join hands forward (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade round the hall (8).



No. i. Wait 8 bars. First four right and left (8) ; promenade (8); ladies' chain (8); promenade (8).

Sides right and left (8) ; promenade (8) ; ladies' chain (8) ; promenade (8).

All join hands forward (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

No. 2. Wait 8 bars. First four forward (4) ; foui hands round (4) ; all balance corners (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

Sides forward (4) ; four hands round (4) ; all balance corners (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).

No. 3. Wait 8 bars. First two give right hand across (4) ; left hand back (4) ; balance (4) ; half promenade (4) ; lead to the right (4) ; four hands round (4) ; for- ward and back four (4) ; right and left to place (4).

Next two give right hand across (4) ; left hand back (4) ; balance (4) ; half promenade (4) ; lead to the right (4) ; four hands round (4) ; forward and back four (4) ; right and left to place (4).

Next two give right hand across (4) ; left hand back (4) ; balance (4) ; half promenade (4) ; lead to the right (4) ; four hands round (4) ; forward and back four (4) ; right and left to place (4).

Last two give right hand across (4) ; left hand back (4) ; balance (4) ; half promenade (4) ; lead to the right (4) ; four hands round (4) ; forward and back four (4) ; right and left to place (4).

All balance corners (4) ; turn partners (4) ; all promenade (8).


No. 4. Wait 8 bars. First couple forward and back (4) ; lady cross over (4) ; forward and back three (4) ; four hands half round (4) ; ladies' chain (8) ; forward four (4) ; right and left to place (4).

Next couple forward and back (4) ; lady cross over (4) ; forward and back three (4) ; four hands half round (4) ; ladies' chain (8) ; forward four (4) ; right and left to place

(4)- Next couple forward and back (4) ; lady cross over (4) ;

forward and back three (4) ; four hands half round (4) ;

ladies' chain (8) ; forward four (4) ; right and left to place


Last couple forward and back (4) ; lady cross over (4)'

forward and back three (4) ; four hands half re und (4)

ladies' chain (8) ; forward four (4) ; right and left to place


No. 5. Wait 8 bars. All balance corners (4) ; turn

partners (4) ; grand right and left (16).

Four ladies cross, right hands half round (4) ; left hands back, and join partner (4) ; all balance (4) ; turn partners (4) ; eight hands round (8) ; round the other way (8).

Four gents cross, right hands half round (4) ; left hands back, and join partner (4) ; all balance (4) ; turn partners (4) ; grand right and left (16).

All join hands, forward and back (4) ; forward again and address (4) ; all promenade round the hall (8).



No. I. Wait 8 bars. Sides right and left (8) ; prom- enade (8) ; ladies' chain